Badge Standard Visual Templates

Find out about available support to make your collection of badges consistent and recognisable.

Rather than creating a new design for each individual badge, we recommend using a set of visuals templates at each layer of the Badge Standard carrying your main organisation or programme branding. This makes your collection of badges consistent and recognisable, and saves you time when writing each new badge.

image-png-Jan-04-2024-02-52-02-8054-PMBadge Nation can create and store badge visuals templates externally to the Badge Zone and apply them by default at the point of publishing badges to your issuing platform of choice. Having these templates signed off ahead of time means that when writing new badges, in Section 7 of the form, you only need to answer "No" then click 'Save' to complete the section.

If you would like us to create your organisation a set of visuals templates at each layer of the Badge Standard that can be used on all of your future badges, there are two ways to request this:

Please see Logo Requirements for Badge Visuals before choosing which way to supply files.

Badge Zone

For supported file formats only (PNG and JPEG)

1. When writing your first badge, use the Badge Zone to supply your branding information and create a visual preview.

2. At your earliest convenience, leave a comment on Section 7 of the form stating that your organisation would like to create a set of visuals templates at each layer of the Badge Standard.


For unsupported file formats or when supplying additional assets such as brand guidelines that must be adhered to for badge visual design

Please email with attachments for the following:

  • A full colour logo
  • The same logo in white
  • Brand guidelines if you have them.

After receiving your request, we will then mock up a set of four templates and return the designs to you via email. At this stage, amendments can be made to the designs until you are happy to sign off the use of your branding.