Joining Badge Nation - Complete Guide to Writing and Issuing Digital Badges

New to Badge Nation? Check out our complete guide to get started.

1. Access the Badge Zone

Who? Any individual from organisation.

Register for our online support hub – whether you’re considering joining and curious to learn more, or returning to write your 100th badge. Don’t worry, it’s open to all! Using the Badge Zone will not automatically sign your organisation up to a Badge Nation membership package. Register for free now or view our step by step guide for creating an account for more information.

2. Join Badge Nation

Who? Main Admin contact for organisation.

If you are interested in your organisation joining Badge Nation please submit an enquiry to get in touch with our team. We will support you to understand the world of digital badging and create a tailored membership package that suits your needs comprising of:

If you have been gifted a Badge Nation membership package by another organisation, you will have received separate instructions and do not need to engage in an enquiry process to get started with your membership. Please see this guide for more information.

3. Write Your First Badge

Who? Any individual from organisation.

Create new draft badges using your account in the Badge Zone. Information is available within the platform, supported by our library of badge writing support.

If you are new to badge writing or need a refresher, we run regular free workshops which go through each essential element of badge writing and you will finish the workshop with a draft badge. See available dates and book.

Don't have time to attend a badge writing workshop? No problem! The full recording and individual chapters are available to view here.

When you are happy with your draft badge, you can submit it for Quality Assurance (QA).

4. Quality Assurance

Who? Badge Nation Team.

Our QA process is designed to help you get the most out of your membership package and support you to publish great badges. We review each new badge to ensure it aligns with the RSA Badge Standard, and is easily understood by people that might be unfamiliar with your organisation or activities. More information on our QA process can be found here.

At this stage, we may leave comments in the Badge Zone or reach out via email if we think your badge could do with additional information.

5. Publishing

Who? Badge Nation Team.

When your badge has successfully completed Quality Assurance and has a badge status of 'Ready for Publishing', we will get to work on making it live and available to issue to your earners using your chosen issuing platform.

If this is your first badge, this is when we will:

  • Sign off a set of badge visuals designs at each layer of the RSA Badge Standard for use on all future badges you write.
  • Confirm any outstanding settings or details required for your chosen issuing platform (if required in membership package).
  • Set up your organisation on your chosen badge issuing platform, and grant access to the main contact / designated individuals associated with your membership.

6. Issue Your Badges

Who? Designated Individuals from Organisation.

You are ready to go!

It’s over to you to start issuing your badges and creating any content that your specified issuing platform supports. Our Knowledge Base is on hand to support you with FAQs, how-to guides, and how to access help.

7. Support Your Earners

Who? Designated Individuals from Organisation.

Organisations that engage with their earners around the benefits of badging, and follow up after issuing, tend to have better acceptance and share rates for their badges.

Although issuing platforms send automated emails to earners at the point they are issued with a badge, we recommend engaging them with some follow up to help them get the most out of it.

You may consider sending your earners an email to let them know how to accept their badge and what they can do with it, or creating some time to help earners accept their badges while they are participating in your activities.

Our Knowledge Base is on hand with a range of pre-made resources and templates for supporting your earners.

8. Rinse & Repeat!

Now you have issued badges for the first time, you are ready to write and issue more!

Write the badge > Submit for Quality Assurance > We QA & Publish > You Issue!