What is a Meta Badge?

Find out more about Meta Badges

A meta badge is a digital badge that contains other badges within its earning criteria. This video contains a webinar clip discussing meta badges.

Meta badges can be a useful tool to link a series of badges together to show progression through a learning journey by providing earners with one badge to share on their CV / social media that summarises all components of their learning journey. 

Things to consider:

  • As with a regular digital badge, by issuing a meta badge, you are verifying that an earner has achieved every earning criteria listed on the badge. Therefore, you must have issued an earner with each of the badges that are listed as earning criteria before issuing them with a meta badge.
  • Issuing a meta badge involves the same process as issuing a regular digital badge, whether you carry this out individually or in bulk.
  • Creating a meta badge still requires quality assurance and publishing and contributes to the number of badges included in your membership package.

Below are some examples of meta badges:

Meta badge on Credly

Click here to visit the published badge.

The first three earning criteria are made up of other badges. Each earning criteria that features a badge contains that badge's long title with a hyperlink to its public view.

Meta badge on Navigatr
Click here to visit the published badge.

The first three earning criteria are made up of other badges. Each earning criteria that features a badge contains a brief description and the long title of that badge with a hyperlink to its public view.

Meta badge on Open Badge Factory

Click here to visit the published badge.

The first four earning criteria are made up of other badges. Each earning criteria that features a badge contains a brief description and the long title of that badge with a hyperlink to its public view.

Interested in meta badges? Check out How to write a meta badge.