OBF – Find the public URL for a badge

Find out how to display your published badges with a URL.

To enable you to share your badges, we advertise them on the passport that your organisation is connected to. This is included by default in our Quality Assurance and Publishing process and creates a public URL for each badge – you might find this useful when sharing badges on social media, linking on websites, including in newsletters etc.

Please note:

Your organisation’s OBF account will be connected to one of two passports, My Skills Pass or My Skills Backpack, depending on your base of earners.

To follow the steps below, you might be asked to create an account for the relevant passport. Don't worry, it's completely free!

1. Visit the ‘Explore/Earn Badges’ page for the relevant passport:

·       My Skills Pass

·       My Skills Backpack

This will open all of the badges in that passport that have been advertised by Badge Nation. Each badge appears as a card on this page.

2. Click on a badge to open more details.


3. Click ‘Open criteria’ under the badge description.                                                                         

This will open the badge in a new tab.


4. Copy the URL.