Searching issuing records for individual earners is a quick and easy way to check who has, or hasn’t, already been issued with a badge from your collection.
Searching issuing records for individual earners is a quick and easy way to check who has, or hasn’t, already been issued with a badge from your collection.
Credly enables you to search earner names and email addresses and can display which (if any) badges they have already been issued with, and what the status of the issuance is, e.g., if their badges have been accepted or still pending.
If you find yourself needing a quick reminder of whether an earner has been issued with one or more of your badges, simply:
1. Open the Credly admin area on the badges tab and click ‘Earners’
Then, click the green button that says ‘Search’ or press ENTER on your keyboard.
This will bring up a list of any badges in your collection that have been issued to that name/email address.
- If there are no records of the earner’s name or email address having been issued with any badges from your collection, Credly will display “No badges found.”