Writing a great Badge Description

What is a badge description?

A badge description is a short introduction to what has been achieved to earn the badge and applies to every individual or organisation that will be issued with it.

You will be asked to write your badge description in Section 1 of the badge writing form in the Badge Zone.

On a published badge, this description appears underneath the long title.

Writing your description

You can include up to 500 characters including spaces for each badge description, but we recommend to keep it brief. There is plenty of opportunity to elaborate with fine detail when you get to the earning criteria section in section 3 - badges with lengthy descriptions and similar information contained within earning criteria can be repetitive.

Badge descriptions cannot feature lists of bullet points or paragraphs separated by line breaks. If you feel that your description is better understood when laid out over separate lines, consider including these as earning criteria instead. 

Top Tips 
✅If your badge will be issued to individuals, start your description with “Earners of this badge have…”
✅If your badge will be issued to organisations, start your description with “Organisations that have earned this badge have…” 
✅Always write in the past tense. 
✅Keep it brief! 1 - 2 sentences is plenty.
✅Make sure that any acronyms and abbreviations are clearly explained e.g. "Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)" and "Expression of Interest (EOI)" 
❌ Avoid including bullet points or line breaks. 
❌ Avoid indirect terms or mixed tenses such as “Earners will have”, “Earners are able”, or “Earners can” 
❌ Avoid entering exact text you intend to add as bullet points to your earning criteria to minimise repetition.
❌ Avoid including additional information that you do not intend to explore or elaborate on in your earning criteria.
✅Earners of this badge have participated in a 2-day course to increase their knowledge of horticulture and develop skills in gardening. 
✅Earners of this badge have successfully completed volunteer training in preparation for a new role as a festival steward. 
✅Organisations that have earned this badge have demonstrated their commitment to engaging the future workforce by hosting a stall at a careers event, aimed at media students aged 16 – 18.  
✅Organisations that have earned this badge have presented their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DE&I) plan at the quarterly Positive Employers Network social.