How can I state who my activity is available to?

This shows potential earners how they could get involved and earn this badge. You can choose between three options: 
“This badge is open to all” 

Anyone can participate in the activity that this badge is attached to. They may need to sign up for an event or buy a ticket, but there are no strict eligibility criteria preventing someone from joining in. 

- For example, events, classes or workshops with publicly available tickets, open days and taster sessions, or courses with no eligibility criteria. 

“This badge is only available to students, members or employees” 

Before earners can engage with the activity attached to this badge, they must be an existing student, member or employee of your organisation.  

- For example, activity specifically related to duties of a job role, course-based and extracurricular activities within a school or college, or an activity that is an included benefit of a membership. 

“Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information” 

Before they are able to engage with the activity attached to this badge, an earner must have completed an application process, or fulfil specific eligibility criteria to enrol on a programme. 

- For example, programmes for specific demographics or protected characteristics e.g. Game Changer, Kickstart